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Ok, somethings that we read... or talk to others about on the web should be saved and
shown to others to see for a good laugh. This is what this section is for. Some of the
laughs I've had talking/reading on the web. This section is always U/C but it finished
to it's current state. Updates will come!
- Allen is an idiot! - A conversation I had on
DALnet IRC one night. I actually know this guy! He's well... read and you will
see what he's like! :P
- The Creation of Computers - This was forwarded,
forwarded etc., until it found me. Something that was worth forwarding around
in Emails for once.
- Obselete Computers - This is an Email message posted
by Boanne Lorraine on SURVPC list I think it was. Read on to find out what is considered
obselete, and what's not!
- What to call Windows - I decided to make a text
file of all the nicknames I've heard of or made up for Windows, Microsoft etc.