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A small selection of scanned photos I decided to put on my page. Enjoy!

* LDFC - adj./abbrev. - Pronounced: Lh-DF-K - Large Dog Food Can. Generally used as adjective when describing home-made fireworks. Depending on how big the cracker is depends on the size of the "can". Origin: When my friend set out (and he did it) to fill a Large Dog Food Can with crushed sparkler dust. We thus call him, "Large Dog Food Can Keenan".

Most photos have been ripped from Pop's Homepage. Check out his page for more photography by him.

Aarian A cute picture of my nephew Aarian. (Photo by Starkey)
Homemade Fireworks A rather LDFC* sized Sparkler Fountain we left off at Mackay's Far Beach in Jan 1998. Note the shutter was held open for the whole duration of the cracker, so you get nice streams from the sparks and there is a "ghost" of my Uncle in it too. (Photo by Pop)
Second Fountain The second (or maybe it was the first) fountain we let off. This one has niiiiice streams from the sparks coming from it. This one is definitely worth loading! :-) (Photo by Pop)
Fountain #3 A smaller sized Sparkler Fountain, but still gives nice performance. Let off in the driveway out the front. This photo isn't time lapsed. (Photo by Pop)
Whizzer A matchbox of match heads can do amazing things when you know how. ;-) (Photo by Pop)
Dust-Grub Dust-Grub the Cat. She has many names, but her original is Alice. We call her Dust-Grub because when she sits on the ground her fur covers all of her feet, so she looks like a grub. (Photo by Pop)