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Linux is a very powerful and networkable Operating System, and it's free. There are various distributons of Linux available, the most common are RedHat, Debian, Slackware & SuSe. Mini-distributions are also available, some names of these are MiniLinux, MonkeyLinux, Tombscrt & muLinux. Linux software is considerably smaller than Windoze software since the programs on Linux can all dynamically call from libraries which you have installed already. In Windoze, this is not possible since nothing is open source.

Almost everything is Open Source in Linux. The kernel or the operating itself is open source! Because of this, hundreds of programmers have been able to scan the kernel source for bugs, and eliminate them making Linux an extremely stable Operating System.

Linux is a free OS, and practically all the software for it is free as well. The software is generally realesed as source and then the users must compile it for their system, but most programs have "binary distributions" either of static-binary which is considerably larger than a source-compiled binary, since libraries are within the static-binary. Or, the programs can be packaged in a distribution format such as RPM for RedHat or DEB for Debian.

Linux itself is similar to how DOS is, a shell or command prompt where you type in commands and run programs, but multitasks giving you 6+ prompts at once! And the multitasking is very good multitasking. If typing commands and console text isn't your liking, you can install X11 and use one of the many Window Managers available. They range from Win9x copies right through to wicked looking ones like Enlightenment.

I spend some time on IRC #linux channels, and the most common questions that are asked are:
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