Catfish's Criticising Voice

This page is where I have a <CCV> at something. The current CCV is at:

This, has to be the most lamely used program in the entire WORLD! Some computer lusers who may or may not have been harmed by Back Orifice run this thinking they are going to save the world from BO. What idiots. (In pitying voice) They most likely don't even know what this program is doing. Here's what NoBO does:

That's it. nothing more. It is listening on a port. This same effect can easily be achieved with programs like NetCat, or any daemon software will happily do it for you. Here's why I get pissed off at it.

  1. The luser who runs it knowingly opens the port for packets. This is the same as me, running my ftpd on my Linux box. I put up an anonymous daemon, onto a specified port so that people can get into my computer. If someone were to hack via my ftpd, who's fault is that? Mine. I didn't secure it properly. Not that NoBO even allows the client into the computer.
  2. The name "NoBO" is crap. Packets of data can be sent with almost any TCP/IP networking program. Even things like ICQ. Set a certain host or IP and port and whoopie! You are sending packets to the host on that port. You don't have to use Back Orifice to send packets to port 31337.
  3. NoBO causes headaches for all. The NoBO lusers think they can get the BO and/or TCP/IP-packet-sending-network-program user into trouble for sweeping subnets or sending packets to their computer on port 31337. What idiots! If NoBO wasn't running, the host would refuse the packets to that port! The luser then goes off to his ISP admin, complains about this guy apparently trying to "hack" his system so causes another piddly annoying job for the ISP guy to squeeze into his day. This only pisses him, (the ISP guy) and the packet-sending person off.
  4. "He's invading my privacy!" What a crap statement. First: "invading". Invade means to attack, or go in without permission. For starters, NoBO doesn't even allow the client in. How can someone invade if they can't get in?!!! "privacy" - Hmm, the luser is allowing the packets in, therefore he is no longer making this port on his computer private. If he wants to use this port for something specific, then he can get daemon software to put a password on it. Retards.

Here's my story on NoBO:

I'm on DALnet IRC network, when a guy from my city on the same ISP as me comes into #robins_room. His nick was "woodhead". He informs me that the channel #X_treme has more people from Mackay in there, so I joined there. Although the people where complete foul mouthed creeps (probably 15 yrs old or less) I decided to install Back Orifice and do a sweep on the 2 good Mackay ISP's. Mr Bean and Orion-Online. I sweep the 2 subnets with BO, and it rings back 3 IP's that have BO servers or this crap NoBO installed. I post the IP's to the channel say that they are infected, and get a "So you think you're l33t?" type of reply from the people in the channel, so I reply: "No. But if that's your IP you might want to get rid of the BO server."

About 5 - 10mins later, I get a private message from a guy called "Fabius" who is apparently an Indian doctor at the Mackay Base Hospital, originally from Europe somewhere. His statement to me was in the ways of: "I have recorded your info..." (which he obtained from 3 /CTCP's in IRC: PING, VERSION & TIME) "and I am going to pursue you on this." Boggled, I check in channel #X_treme for this Fabius guy... not in there. So I /whois him and see he is on Mr Bean too. I msg him back, saying info from a ping, version and time is hardly enough to pursue anyone with. (Still wondering WTF he's on about.)

After a lengthy private message convo with him, in which he stated, "Back Orifice is a deadly and addictive drug" mind you it is a program, not a drug ;-), I was wondering what it was that I did to get him pissed off at me about Back Orifice.

The next day, Doug Bean (my ISP guy) rings and says that a client "has come in this morning saying you were trying to hack his system, and he has logs of everything." Doug was reading a bit of the logs to me, when "NoBO" came up. Weelllllllllllll..... here we have it. It is all clear now. Another NoBO luser is at it.

Here is the moral to the story: If this Fabius guy wasn't using NoBO, the sweep I did would have rung back 2 IP's and not 3. He wouldn't have known the difference, I wouldn't have known the difference. He caused a nice big bastardy-extra-job for Doug to do in his day, which Doug no doubt has no time for. I was not "invading his privacy" since he opened the 31337 port.

I refuse to stop doing subnet sweeps with Back Orifice clients, since there is no harm in doing it. It is practically the same as doing ping . Packets getting sent to a computer... that is what it is. My my, what a nice long CCV. :-)

Enjoy your day.

Previous CCV's:

Stan Zamanek

Doesn't this guy tick you off? He's an absolute loonatic who needs a kick in the pants. I heard him on his radio talk thing a while back when they broadcasted it all the way up the coast, and he was more foul mouthed than the people ringing in that he would disconnect off. He got me to the point where I was going to ring in, abuse him, and then nusiance call him for the rest of the night!

He's a "think I'm good but not" kind of bloke. And he seems to know everything about something he's knows nothing about. One guy rung him one night and was whining about the day-light savings. Mr "Think I'm good but not" Zamanek then tells him that he's an idiot because it makes no difference. Mr Zamanek however, forgets that HE works under artificial lighting. The SUN, and what time it is when it comes up has NO bearing on his work! While daylight savings affects him in no way at all, since he gets his 1.2 Million $ a year for getting up when his radio buzzer goes off. A person who works due to the sun however, will always be that bit behind.

And now he gets a frickin TV show to blab his fat face on too! I watch it, cos it's funny to watch him give crap to the ladies on the panel. And sometimes he is actually right with what he says. But really, he needs to shut his filthy face once in a while.

And you can send Email to Fat Boy Zamanek here.
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