fuggs query: why a complaint on ban abuse in #australia well tell me and my e mail is fuggs@dal.net ok, im running linux here, and stupidl ircing as root user. i join #aust and did a version to the channel to see ifthere are unx users for fear of my machine being hacked unx=unix via my irciin as root i am instanly banned for doing the version the rules of the channel dont have anything to say on this so i would assume it is ok to do in the channel since it is a freely available function of irc Channel Rules: No Bots, No Clones, Speak English only, No Flooding, No Begging For Ops, using all CAPS is considered rude. No Swearing, No sex channels, No Advertising of Channels, and this is not a Pick Up channel. And most important, please don't be rude or obnoxious to your fellow chatters. channel rules state nothing on a channel ctcp now lets see...1) you versioned an entire chan...now thats plain dumb.....and your story dosnt wash with me... why is versioning a channel dumb? 2)you told pom1 she was a hacker.. no i didnt because u and i both know why you do it and your story is dumb how is that? if i *were* a hacker, do you think i would get caught out? hackers arent dickheadly dumb and i quote now lets see...1) you versioned an entire chan...now thats plain dumb.. and you versioning an entire chan to look for hackers.....oohh please.... i didnt say that either i said "looking for unix users" should i quote? and please tell me why doing this irc fuction is "dumb" as you put it? and why are you looking for unix users? read above... I AM IRCing as the root user on my computer which is hackable well versioning an entire chan is a way lame and old so called hackers trick...its just plain stupid well make your computer safe and secure please explain how this is lame? (versioning a channel) i cant see the lameness in it when i have reason that my computer would be accessable well make your computer safe and secure well it would be safe in australia if i could get in, no one is using unix well you should change your channel rules, and i find it fair to unban my ip form the channel and why dont u make your computer safe and secure Telnet Port listening on catfish.mrbean.net.au i have a friend in toowoomba who telnets to my with an authorized account i made i could get him to telnet to me, join here and verify it if you like well in that case its should be secure which case? so how long shall i remain banned fomr the channel for doing an open irc function? well in that case its should be secure versioning an entire chan is not the norm. and anyone that runs an unsecure box on IRC is silly oh so now theres the "norm."? where can i get a copy of the norm? oh so everyone in #australia is silly? and if theyre not, then they should have no probs with me versioning the channel well? are the people in #australia running on secure boxes? nope...but everyon on that chan dosnt version the entire chan....as its not the norm and is a way old hackers trick... so "way old" hey? then why would a hacker be doing it nowadays? here it is .....a sop banned you...take it up with her.......its dumb running an unsecured box and its not bright versioning an entire channel well, tell your chanops before they go banning people for doing versions, they should read more on unix, hacking etc. as they would realize normal users like me arent a threat. and a unix user should have a secure box why?